Potential Products

Quick Summary

  • Let's explore some potential hemp products
top of hemp plants and a blue sky

Historically hemp has been grown as a fiber plant, today there is renewed interest in it as a sustainable source of raw materials for textiles. Fiber hemp can be made into fabrics, paper or even insulation or building materials.

There is also a lot of interest in hemp from the bio-pharmaceutical industry. Hemp contains cannabinoids that may have unique qualities distinct from being psychoactive. These Endocannabinoids and Phyto cannabinoids may have useful medicinal properties that can be expressed into medicine.

Hemp also contains a variety of interesting flavonoids that contribute to a wide variety of different scents and coloring. Food scientists are interested in the flavor components and the bio-pharmaceutical scientists are interested in the medicinal components.

Hemp is also a food product. You may have seen the kernel of hemp (hemp hearts) being sold in grocery stores as a health food. They, like many seeds are high in protein and fats. Hemp oil can also be produced as food grade but most often ends up in products such as lotions or other skin products.  

There has been some interest in using leftovers from the hemp oil extraction process as animal feed or for use in energy production.

This is not a complete list of every potential hemp product out there. There are many other options for this tenacious crop.


Spent hemp biomass: Learning about its potential as a livestock feed

Growing Hemp for the Future

Hemp Seed Oil Properties

Industrial hemp seed: from the field to value-added food ingredients