Variety Selection
Quick Summary
- Variety selection is one of the most important decisions when deciding to grow a viable hemp crop.
The three main biotypes of hemp are; grain/seed, fiber or CBD type for chemical extraction. This determines what kind of equipment needs to be purchased, labor needed, nutritional requirements, pest management, etc.
Hemp for Grain/Seed
Grain and seed varieties tend to be more slender reaching no more than 7 ft tall with planting occurring around mid March to mid April. The optimal maturity date for harvest for this plant tends to occur 100-120 days after planting. This variety can also possibly be used for fiber harvest but that is dependent on the equipment and fiber quality (Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection). Grain harvested from hemp has been used in the making of personal care products such as soap, shampoo, lotion, and additional beauty products along with uses as dietary supplements and as a possible new biofuel source (Williams).
Hemp for Fiber
Fiber hemp is the tallest of the three different types growing up to 18 ft tall. Planting for fiber occurs usually around the same time as the grain variety from mid March to mid April. Harvesting for fiber must occur before flowering so if planted in March harvest will take place around the end of August to mid September (Serbin). Hemp fiber has been used in the textiles and garment industry for years but there has been an uptake in looking into its use as absorbents and construction materials. (Williams).
Hemp for CBD
Hemp grown for CBD is the most common variety planted by farmers due to the rising demand for products such as supplements, cosmetics, supplements, and other additional products (Williams). An important thing to note about growing hemp is deciding whether to grow photoperiod insensitive (autoflower) or photoperiod sensitive (full season) hemp (Darby). Photoperiod-sensitive hemp is subject to the change of seasons mainly in terms of sunlight and night hours, needing at least 12 hours of darkness for growth. Autoflower hemp is not affected by the change of daytime hours due to the change in season. Planting time in California will occur in early to mid-June, with auto-flower being ready in about two months and photoperiod taking about four months for growth.